Post your blog’s address here by following these steps:

1. Click on the title BLOG ADDRESSES above.

2. On the screen that appears, skip down to Leave a Reply.

3. In the Name box, put the name of your blog (NOT your own name, unless your blog has no other name).

4. In the Mail box, put your standard @usc e-mail address. (No one will see this but me.)

5. In the Website box, put the address / URL of your blog (for instance, Be sure to get it right, since it will become a “hotlink.”

6. In the large (comment) box, you can add your name and/or a short description of the blog. These are optional. You can also leave the comment box blank. (If you want to be anonymous, don’t put in your name.)

7. Click “Submit Comment.” Your blog’s name and web link will appear here later, but that’s all you need to do.



54 Responses to “BLOG ADDRESSES”

  1. Medical Menagerie Says:

    Hi Professor,

    This is a blog about the world of medicine and how it relates to the business world. It also includes the current happenings and interesting developments in the field.

    Theo De Beritto

  2. E News Guru Says:

    The theme of this blog is on the entertainment industry and it’s relation to business. Additionally, I will post anything that is of interest.

  3. The H Scene Says:

    description of blog posted

  4. CZYK Says:


  5. Brianne Porcaro Says:

    Professor Smith,

    Here is the link to my blog.


    Brianne Porcaro

  6. mc Says:


  7. Hesperis Says:


    This is going to be a blog about gender in the media with a very broad definition of media.


    Sorry for the double posting, I didn’t realize that I probably needed to log out to put in my USC email.

  8. seanmilota Says:


    This is the URL for my blog.

    Sean Milota

  9. Wilderness Medicine Blog Says:

    Justin Hwang

  10. The New Frontier For Music Says:

    A blog about music, sweet music.

    Gabe Sobol

  11. Our World Says:

    This is a blog about the environment and our lifestyle. It explores how recent environmental news affects us and how we live.

  12. Gor Grishyan Says:

    Gor Grishyan

    Most probably my blog will be about Obama’s foreign policy towards Russia.

  13. William Yiu Says:

    The page is designated for Writing 340 and the background is full of green and yellow dots.

  14. Sports Business Says:

    My blog is about business related issues regarding North American professional sports such as the NHL, NFL, NBA, and MLB.

    Josh Cerasuolo

  15. project:world Says:

    project:world focuses on global affairs and what it means to our everyday life.

  16. click [ design space ] Says:

    Tiffany Wong

    This blog is dedicated to design in the areas of art and architecture, and how it pertains to the human lifestyle.

  17. Colin George's Innermost Ponderings Says:

    This is the blog of Colin George from the 6:30PM writing 340 class

  18. Scott USC Says:

    Scott Armanino’s Blog

  19. Rethinking Rio Says:

    The Rio Treaty defined hemispheric security in traditional military terms more than a half century ago. Yet broader, greater hemispheric cooperation demands a “rethinking of Rio” that includes the concept of human security as well. The critical challenges facing the United States and its neighbors cannot be framed solely in traditional military terms, but these threats to human security are equally as pressing and perilous–they include narcotics production and trafficking, international gangs and criminal organizations, challenges to democratic rule, economic integration, corruption, poverty, indigenous, Afro-descendant and women’s rights as well as securing “the basics” of public health, food and clean water. If unmet, these human security threats have the potential to become economic crises, pandemics, civil wars and armed conflicts. Hemispheric stability depends upon our ability to meet the needs of America’s changing and growing population, as well as address its major social issues.

    –Kaelyn Forde Eckenrode

  20. 8 Bit Illusion Says:

    A blog covering the video game industry.

  21. Kristen's Daily Apple Says:

    My blog will discuss current news and advice regarding maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the long-term benefits of good diet and nutrition.

  22. The L Street Journal Says:

    Logan Turley
    a blog with thoughts and insights into the financial markets

  23. businessbuzz Says:

    Melanie Epling’s blog.

  24. The LookBook Says:

    Caitlin Wise’s blog – The LookBook: Your View Into the Fashion Industry

  25. Brian Lee Says:

    Brian Lee’s blog

  26. kelvin usc Says:

    Kelvin Kelvin’s blog
    My blog is about the current news in the business field.

  27. Jassability Says:

    Here is the URL to my blog.

    Jonathan Pakfar

  28. brandon_lang Says:

    Hey Professor,

    Here is the link to my blog. I hope everyone can enjoy it.

    Brandon Lang

  29. Kristen's Daily Apple Says:

    In my blog, I will discuss current news and advice regarding maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the long-term benefits of good diet and nutrition.

  30. Entertainment Industry Says:

    Hello Professor,

    My blog is going to take a look at the entertainment industry and how it is evolving.

    Sydney Siegel

  31. James Ware Says:

    I’m not a profit or a stone age man, just a mortal with potential of a superman, I’m living on.

  32. 1-2-BBQ Says:

    Here is the link for my blow 1-2-BBQ.

    It will be a sporting news blog, so I hope anyone who checks on it, enjoys it.

  33. ezeeuqs2luos Says:

    I’ll mainly be dealing with issues relating to the music industry, but of course, will always consider mixing it up with flavors including Vanilla, Neuroscience, Business, and Neapolitan.

  34. Crayon Planet Says:

    Amir Ghareaghadje

    My Blog aims to find and discuss all issues of ignorance that are making headlines, and maybe offer up a bit of open-mindedness.

    Some of my opinions may be controversial, so please feel free to start dialogues with me. I’m always open to new points of view.

  35. Jack Package On Sports Says:

    Derek Sallay (aka Jack Package)

    My blog will cover anything and everything about the American sports industry, from media to marketing to franchise analyses to any interesting pieces of news I come across. If I do venture outside of the North American sporting sphere, it will probably only be to mock its inferiority.


  36. Nakrin Narula Says:

    My blog will deal with debated financial topics in recent news. At times, these issues may also lead into more abstract and philosophical areas.

  37. West Coast Music News Says:

    blog about music industry news

  38. Dollars and Sense Says:

    The theme of my blog can be broadly stated as economics. I will cover anything of interest that occurs during the course of this blog as well as past topics that are still relevant. Enjoy!

    -Megan Litle

  39. Los Angeles Says:

    My blog is going to relate to subjects related to Los Angeles. I will discuss LA politics, culture, and obviously business.

  40. Victoriakuei Says:

    This is victoria kuei’s blog

  41. infolinka Says:

    this is antonia dernoscheg.
    In my blog i want to talk about current social issues and their appearance in todays movies.

  42. The Dark Faced Jimoke Says:

    My blog is about my take on current events in the sports world.

  43. just a thought... Says:

    I’m not too sure what exatcly my blog will be about…just my thoughts on anything I guess…

  44. FlyingRee Says:

    Reeh.’s blog
    working on financial issue.
    coming soon!

  45. Cali Says:

    A global modern affairs blog specialising in entertainment, advertising and the arts.

    Cali Madincea

  46. Mumbai Moments Says:

    Hello! This blog reflects the many aspects of my favorite city, Mumbai. Mumbai has been in the news recently for the saddening terrorist attacks in November 2008. Nevertheless, despite every setback, the people of Mumbai always rise to the occasion and regain their momentum. This blog expresses that same spirit of this thriving city where I will describe and analyze the current events, lifestyle, films and anything else of interest that makes Mumbai what it is today.

  47. Phantom Says:

    This is a blog dealing with new technology and innovations, etc.

  48. the.. InArtificial World.. Says:

    William (Wei Ling) Chen

    My blog will be focusing on technology and business events.

  49. JOB'S THOUGHTS Says:

    this is my blog

  50. Development & Politics Says:

    Comments on globalization and international development issues

  51. Strike The Baby Says:

    Hey, I’m Ryan Christians. My blog centers around the current economic impact on the film and television industry.

  52. Joel Cornell's Blog Says:

    I’m right now planning on writing on the music industry and some of the deals that are being made to adjust to the new digital age.

  53. Aidin Ghavimi Says:


  54. kaelynforde Says:

    A reporter’s notebook, behind-the-lens view of breaking news.

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